Dear Gary. Hi just got your letter in mail, yes I’d like the podcast cards, thank you, and God bless. When I can I will send some money, things are real real tight right now! Marla in Colorado
Marla, we appreciate you and all you do passing the Podcast cards and Radio Cards out on the road. We are at a junction in the ministry where many are enjoying and using the podcast cards, the radio station and Lonesome Road TV streaming channel to witness to family, friends and whosoever on the road. We also have just as many who love the CD’s and don’t want to give them up! So as always when we hear from someone we will send as many as we can to help you and your ministry on the road.
Dear Gary, I still have a CD player in my van and at home. Please keep me on the CD mailing list I listen to them and then hand them out to people who have CD players that reassure me that they will listen to the CD. Praying for your work!!! Thank you! Your friend because of Calvary, Loyce Lamar
God Bless you my friend. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Together we are making a difference not only in your area but all across the Country and around the world! “Hello brother Gary,
I have been receiving your CD’s for a long time. I am from the old school. I like listening to your CD’s. Please continue to send them to me. I place them at Bill’s Truck Stop in Lexington, NC Ronnie Easter Ronnie, Thanks for your quick response. I appreciate your support and you being a part of the Lonesome Road Family. Your continued support and witness on the road is vital to our Country. Keep up the good work and don’t hesitate to call or email me any request you have for supplying Bill’s truck stop. Hello Lonesome Road family. This morning while cooking for my family I was listening to Lonesome Road Radio. James Payne came on in a commercial about the benefits our giving makes on the over the road truck drivers and the importance of partnering with Lonesome Road Ministries. What we hear on the radio is only part of what is happening.
Many of us don’t see what is going on behind the scene or the countless hours it takes to produce the radio program every day or even the countless volunteers that are at work. I believe in all that Lonesome Road is doing and tithe and give to the ministry weekly. At the 2024 conference I was told by the Lord to pledge a $1000 dollar donation. I talked with Gary and informed him of the pledge and told him I didn’t have it but was going to trust the Lord even if i had to pay the pledge off in monthly payments. I sent in my 1st $100 in July and by the 2nd week of August paid off the remaining $900 dollars. I was so excited to fulfill my pledge and was excited for all it would help to accomplish. Then in September I contracted Covid and was put down hard with it. I was out of work for two weeks but continued to tithe and send offerings as I believe should never stop no matter the circumstances. I didn’t have an income but my God knew what was ahead. Friends and neighbors started taking care of us. Buying groceries and everything we needed. My wife and granddaughter both got it as well. We lacked for nothing. Last weeks my Mom,Uncle & Sister sent us $600 top help meet our needs. Needless to say God cares about our every need and desires to provide for them I want to tell you. If the Lord tells you to give do it. I've heard people say right now I can’t afford it. That’s not true. The truth is you can’t afford not too. You can’t out give God. If we can’t trust God how is it that we can tell others to trust God. The law of sowing and reaping comes straight out of Genesis 1:11. Love you Gary. Thank you for your obedience and all you do. Chaplain Danny Atwood Love you too Chaplain Danny, You and Betty have been such a blessing not only to Lonesome Road but to all the families we are reaching all across America. Obedience equals blessings and I know God is going to bless you guys in a tremendous way. I believe God is going to start something with you, Betty, Mario and Sonia creating a west coast branch of Lonesome Road Ministries to reach the Hispanic communities. Praise the Lord! Dear Gary Rayburn
Can you send me 25 CD’S of Danny Dennis “Forgiveness is For You.” I don’t have any money to send you cause I’m not working now. I have time to give them out. If you have more of Danny Dennis please send them also, these have really helped me. I use CD’s tracts and things to help others if I can. Thanks Vernon Warden Hey Vernon I have sent you a whole box of CD’s of what you requested along with others! Please share these with whosoever, wherever,and whenever you can. Chaplain Gary, I was listening to your cd, "My Favorite Subject". On it, you described what Jesus was to you. There was a list so big and I was driving so I couldn't write it all down. If you could please send me that list of what Jesus is to you, I'd sure appreciate it. I could use it in my ministry. I would like to make copies of it and hand it out to people. Lately I've been listening to the cds and when I'm done listening to them I put it in a group of cds that I've listened to. Then when I'm at a truck stop, rest area or restaurant, I put them in an area where I can also put my tracts, a cross necklace (I'm also making cross Keychains now). I ran out of the "little Jesus statues" so I need to get some more. If no one wants a tract or cd, they definitely want a "little Jesus". I've already had that happen. Anyway, if you can, please send me that list on paper so I can read it again. It was at the end of your message on that “My Favorite Subject” cd. I listened to it a couple of times. Thank you.
Wow! Yes everybody needs a little Jesus in their live and a whole lot of the Holy Spirit to guide them on that Ole Lonesome Road. “Hello brother Gary, I trust you and Linda are doing well, we serve a great God. I really have enjoyed Bill Blackman’s CD. I am so happy that he is serving alongside with lonesome road ministries. At our truck driver appreciation I passed out CDs and podcast cards and Deborah a missionary driver for Truck Stop Ministries, she had TMI info and I had some Lonesome Road CD’S & Podcast cards. Chaplain John Hunter came up and said “all right give me one of Bill Blackman’s CD. I have heard how great it is.” Here's an offering and A check For my September tithe plus a $20 offer. God bless, Chaplain Lillian…”
Thank you Chaplain Lillian for your prayers and support along with your tireless efforts to reach the lost and hurting. Dear Lonesome Road Ministries
I hope this letter finds you all well and busy making more CD’S. I will be sending more money as soon as I can. Do to the grace of God and Lonesome Road Ministries, as of today, I have been completely alcohol free for 6 months, and as of yesterday tobacco free for 2 weeks. You have no idea how much your ministry has affected me. Thanks for the CD’s you sent me I listen to them non stop on the road. I listen to nothing else! I do hope to get to meet you someday and thank you personally. As Tony Mac says I just drive down the road with lips touching both ears. God has turned me into a big ole 280 lb cry baby. With much love and devotion, George George looking forward to the day I get a big ole hug from a big ole 280 pound cry baby! More CD’s on the way! Dear Brother Gary
I was given a CD by a friend who is a trucker. I must say I really enjoyed this CD and all you have sent me since I contacted you from that first CD. I am 92 years old and pastoring for over 40 years and been preaching since 1953. Your ministry is such a blessing I hope to come and visit your church service some time before I die. H.H. H.H. You are such a blessing and inspiration to us here at Lonesome Road Ministries. I pray God does allow you to come and visit us. We would love to sit down with you and put a microphone in between us and just have Church. What a great program that would be for the Church on the Road Program on Lonesome Road Radio Dear Lonesome Road Ministries
We have been receiving your CD’s for years now. We don’t travel very much anymore. Our only CD player is in the truck or car. We are sending you a donation in appreciation of all the CD’s you have sent over the many years. We would like the CD’s to stop coming and you can send them on to those who are still passing them on. You are still in our prayers each day and we wish you the best. You’ve touched so many lives with the CD’S over the years. Thank you for all you are doing in the Lord’s name. Bob Bob, God bless you guys and we hope you are taking advantage of Lonesome Road Ministries Radio station now. You can access it on your phone or we are even on Roku TV. Search Live365 app download it and search Lonesome Road Ministries to listen to our Radio Station on your Roku device. It’s so simple even I could do it! |
From the ole mail bagHere are just a few letters we have gotten from so many good folks. Archives
December 2024
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