Hello Lonesome Road Ministries I listen to you each week on the Tim Ridley show on Sirius XM radio channel 146. I hear you say all we have to do is contact you and you will send us free CD’s. So please send me some of your free CD’s. I can’t wait to hear more and find out all about your ministry. God bless, Rob
Thanks Rob for listening and thanks for contacting us. We have mailed you a bunch of our Cd’s to listen to and share with others
This came off my Facebook page. Terry Hopkins read this and here is his reply to Gale & Brenda Gale Markham oh what a savior!!!!! Our 43 year old son took his life almost three years ago!!! Thru it all I learned God's Grace is not just sufficient it is so much more than that!!!!
I praise God for the wonderful work God has blessed you with. 9 years ago September 9 2012 our son committed suicide on my wife’s birthday She became suicidal herself over his death In the coming months I became suicidal myself. November 2013 We were on a state highway in Tennessee selling jams salsa and other items A Mcelroy truck pulled off on the side of the road The driver pulled over to check his load The driver came over and purchased some items from us He went to his truck and came back with a hand of CDs Mcelroy driver Steve Montgomery Gave us the following CDs that made a difference in our lives A man named Norman Mike Adkins - Bus 19 Terry Hopkins and David Gibbs Doing The Impossible About a week or so later we were traveling and we put the Cd Bus 19 in Then we listened to A man Named Norman and Doing The Impossible All 3 of these CDs were messages/Testimonials that were eye opening they made us laugh they made us cry Bus 19 was instrumental in what God could do for anyone with a wretched past that one and all could have a future and be avidly used by The Lord A man named Norman provoked awareness that just like us and our problems over losing our only son That the world around us was full of “ Norman’s “ in need of love by one and all The Cd by Dr David Gibbs “ Doing The Impossible was instrumental in helping us to come to grips with in life things happen “ BUT ONE DAY WE’LL UNDERSTAND IT ALL BY AND BY “I can honestly say that had it not been for THE LORD using a Mcelroy truck driver and 3 Dynamic messages and testimonials on the CDs more than likely neither my wife nor me would be alive today The CDs all provided us with open minds and open hearts to Strive Onward as Christian Soldiers I don’t know the times since receiving theses CDs that I’ve spoken to fellow Soldiers of The Cross the following messages that I gleaned from these 3 CDs Both Brenda and I can testify that these CDs do make a difference in the lives of people who are filled with any one of the 10,000 problems that man daily faces !!! thank you and your team for your dedication unto The Lord and Your Fellow Man !!! Gale & Brenda God bless you!!! We love you!!! Terry & Betty Hopkins Dear Gary I got a copy of this book from a client here at a methadone clinic. I read your story and it had me in tears. I’m currently going through a divorce with my wife who I truly love. I keep telling myself everyday to pray, but I’m not big on church too much I do believe in God. While reading this tears were falling and my heart was pounding. I know what I should do now, I just want to thank you for helping me motivate myself to do what needs to be done.
God bless, call anytime you need prayer!!! |
From the ole mail bagHere are just a few letters we have gotten from so many good folks. Archives
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