Brother Gary & Lonesome Road Ministry family
I pray that you will be blessed beyond measure as we go into another month. I know this year has been a turbulent year with everything going the way it is. As I was praying this morning, it came to me that everybody is saying this and that about this Covid. Instead of trusting in a vaccine what we all need to be doing is turning to God if we want to see a turn around. Until next month Lord willing, Tessie God Bless you Tessie for your faithfulness and I agree with you. The answer is really that simple. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Brother Gary,
I am sorry I haven’t written beforenow to personally thank you for the box of CD’S and Bibles you sent me. It was much appreciated and timely. I’m praying with you and for you that you will be able to pay off completely and soon your new building. We thank Jesus for the ministry He has given you and all the souls that are being saved. Your friend in Christ Wayne & Deanna Williams P.S. Please continue to say a special prayer for Deanna Wayne & Deanna, We appreciate your continued support each month. You have been a special part of the ministry since way back. Praise the Lord the building is paid in full!! Now we can focus on the exterior and enlarging the CD output. We will be in prayer for you both, love you guys... Hello Gary Rayburn
My name is John Graber. I called a couple of weeks ago. I am a friend of Verlin Gingrich from Ohio. I have been driving for 30 years mostly local. I started out as over the road. I have a testimony I would like to share with you. I just want you to know listening to all your CD’S I get fired up and love Jesus even more. I am enclosing a check to help some. Wish I could help more maybe in the future. Sincerely John Graber I called John after reading his testimony he sent me and we have set up a date and time to record his full testimony for our CD, Podcast, radio programs. Sept 3 John will be traveling through here and we are going to sit down here at Lonesome Road Ministries and record John for our In the Cab program, Church on the road. So you should be able to hear this testimony sometime in October. Thank you John Graber for joining the family here at Lonesome Road Ministries. Thank you Verlin for sharing your testimony with your family, friends and all those out there on that Ole Lonesome Road. Dear Lonesome Road Ministries
Enclosed is a check to help you with making CD’S. I appreciate what you are doing for all of us out here on the road. God bless you, your work, and all the CD’S that go out. Could you please send me Tony Mac’s Testimony CD, 2 of David Gibbs Motor Home Story, 5 Doing the Impossible and any other David Gibbs CD’S that you have they are truly AWESOME. Keep On Roger Hey Roger, Thanks so much for your donation to help keep us keeping on!! We appreciate all those we hear from out on that Ole Lonesome Road. Good Morning and God bless you!
Recently I gave a CD to a brother from a local Church near Clinton. I happened to see him a few weeks later and he told me how much he enjoyed them and how the testimonies touched him. He sad, “can i buy them somewhere?” I told him no, but I would send him plenty by the way of my son! I almost hate to ask but I will. I need more!!! Also would love to have some DVD’S if possible. I had Three but I have already given them away. Thank You Cheryl Kirby I love hearing testimonies like this one. I will get you a new supply of CD’s & DVD’S in the mail asap. Thank you so much for your help and support in this ministry. Hello Gary
I just wanted to tell you what a great time we had at the 3 Fold Cord Conference. God is good! Please keep my sister Linda in your prayers she has been in & out of the hospital 3 times since we got home. I hope you got the photos my Grandaughter took. She just love it as we all did. Thanks again for the great worship time. Your friends Vickie, Linda, Ann and Savannah. So glad you all had such a great time it really was an awesome conference. I did not get any pictures from Savannah? Have her email me [email protected] Greeting in the lovely name of Jesus
I had to leave early because I got a call from my wife. So I left at 2pm on Saturday and I am so sorry I missed Bill Schell. Your tabernacle sure was packed. I was surprised the McKay Project wasn’t there. I am thankful that I got all 3 of Lonesome Road Volume’s I have listened to all three and so far my favorite is Volume 2 I am so glad you finally have your own place to minister at. God is so good Louie Bender God is good all the time and all the time God is good! Dear Lonesome Road
Thank you so much for the blessing your CD’S have been to me. I want to compliment you all on the excellent sound they have, so clean & precise. I especially enjoy James Payne CD’s I also love Mike Adkins and Terry Hopkins Bus # 19 keep up the good work God Bless, Kathy God Bless you and thank you for the compliments Kathy. Praying for you and your family and don’t forget to share the CD’S with others Dear Brother Gary & Sister Linda
I cannot thank you enough for all that I received from the 3 day conference. Being able to park my Rig at the Auction Barn property right down the street was such a blessing to start with which saved me from spending money at a hotel. Then all the people who showed me so much love & kindness was absolutely amazing. From all that attended to the speakers, and to all the performers, it was totally mind blowing. Those who planned on coming & couldn’t make it, surely missed out. My passion for the lost has been renewed & my passion for music has certainly been elevated. I just want to thank you & everyone involved, thanks so much. This is something that I must attend every year. God Bless “BullDawg” Hey Bulldawg, it was a great weekend and I am so glad we finally got to meet after all these years of you partnering with Lonesome Road Ministries. How cool was it that God had you here to help us open up our new facility here at Lonesome Road. Thanks for all you do on the road. Glad to call you my friend and ministry partner. Brother Gary & Lonesome Road Ministry family
God bless you and all the work that you all do. Thank you for the CD this month and I pray that you keep up the good work for the Lord. I am sending you $5 dollars and I pray it will help in some way. Thank you , Betty in Florida Betty Thank you for listening and sharing the CD’S with OTHERS. We thank you for the donation and Little is much when God is in it!! |
From the ole mail bagHere are just a few letters we have gotten from so many good folks. Archives
December 2024
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