Gary, My cousin,Jim Derf, gave me some of your CD's that I play whenever I'm out running errands. I would like to be put on your CD mailing list. I always carry gospel tracts, & these CD's are also great to handout.
Time is short, & the kingdom is at hand. please add me to your mailing list. David David, thanks for the donation, we have added you to the mailing list and cd's are on the way to your house.
Brother Gary
I had to make a trip into town Friday the 25th, to pick up a few things. As I got in the car and started toward town I ask myself, what are you going to listen to?* I have listened to all the CD*s you sent a few weeks ago and some of them two or three times. So, I just decided to pray and talk to Jesus as I was riding alone with just my prayers and thoughts. As I drove back into our driveway from town I decided to go ahead and grab my mail out of the the mailbox. Man!! Did I ever have a surprise!! It felt like Christmas as I lifted the big pack of CDs from the box! I stood there at the box and happy tears came into my eyes to know that someone cares so much about me. I had prayed a lot on my journey to town and back. Brother Gary, Joe Arview and all you men and women that have a hand in spreading this gospel to the east, west, south, and north, I just want to tell you all what a blessed ministry you have on The Lonesome Road. I will categorize all these great messages and songs that will touch my heart so gladly. I will listen to them and then pass them on in hopes that the next listener will have a closer walk with Jesus. I am going to pray that our Savior keeps us well to where my wife and I can be at the next 3-Fold Conference in 2020. I know we both would enjoy meeting and listening to all the great musicians and speakers you have up there. Thank you all so much again and please keep us in your prayers. Ed Hey Brother we will be praying for you and your wife and we will see you next year. We have set the dates for our conference June 26,27 & 28 in 2020. Dear Lonesome Road
Can you tell me if there is going to be a Lonesome Road Vol # 3 and when it might be available? Yes and we hope to have it available March 2020 at the Mid America Truck Show in Louisville, KY. Tony Mac McMullen's testimony is one of the most powerful testimony I have ever heard. I was privileged several years ago to have an interview with him when I had my radio Program here in Boston. If it wasn't for an unexpected road trip to Dallas and stopping at a gas station where I happened to pick up some free cds that were all great preaching/teaching which made my road trip back to Boston shorter than it was. The one cd I played about 4 or 5 times was that of Tony Mac. After I interviewed him we email each other from time to time to see how life was going. That was Tony Mac. When he went home to be with the Lord. I replayed my interview with him and his testimony at the end, I said I never met the man in person, but God will allow us to meet in heaven. God Bless, Santos
God bless you brother and thank you for the amazing testimony you shared! Dear Gary
We were praying for your song Taking Me Home hoping you was going to bring home the award. It would have been a great honor for the millions of truckers out here. You are still # 1 out here with us on that Ole Lonesome Road. Razzle Dazzle We want to thank each and every one of you for your support and your vote for our song. The song by The McKay Project "Taking Me Home" was one of the top 5 nominated songs for the Diamond Awards Christian Country Song of the year. What an honor it was a song that I helped write being nominated and made it to the top 5. I just want to send my congratulations to Tonja Rose for her award winning Christian Country Song Of The Year-"Hide Me Behind The Cross |
From the ole mail bagHere are just a few letters we have gotten from so many good folks. Archives
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