Hi Gary, I was just notified I was nominated for songwriter & musician of the year for Christian voice.... I also have 2 sites I built chapelvalleymusic.com & puregospelradio.net nominated as well as HLE Radio & Pure Gospel Radio that I built & maintain their station sites. So if you want to share or vote please go to https://www.christianvoicemagazine.com/ballot2
Thanks, Roger Barkley Jr. Roger Barkley jr, is an awesome talent and partner with Lonesome Road Ministries. Roger needs your vote so go to the website and vote for Roger & also you will find several of Lonesome Road family on the ballot!!!!
Dear Gary & Linda
Here is some of the recent pocket testaments that P.T.L. printed for us. Thanks for letting us use your Lonesome Road Radio & Testimony QR Codes inside the front & back cover, I feel that it really advances the ministry opportunity of the booklet. The truck on the front is my boss Aaron Nolt Jr. glider kit built for his brother Virgil Nolt. It is driven by Dale Kreider, a Spirit filled Mennonite guy that got saved in prison. The truck on the back is the one that I use to drive. We love you all, Keep up the good Work. Your friend Thomas Hertzler Thomas we are honored that you chose us to put in your pocket testaments that you pass out on the road. What a great ministry you have and we are proud to partner with you in getting the Gospel in the hands of so many on that ole Lonesome Road. Thank you for your continued prayers & support to Lonesome Road Ministry. Dear Lonesome Road Ministries
I just got in a different truck and someone left a CD in the player. I couldn’t get it out so I just kept listening to it. That Cd someone left in this truck force fed me into some good music and common sense preaching, It’s been hard for me to find something that connects with me out here on the road. Thank God for Lonesome Road Ministries and who ever left that CD in my player!! Please send me more, I have finally got it out and I am ready for more great CD’s from Lonesome Road Ministries. Shannon God bless you Shannon for contacting me and we will get you more CD’S to listen too and here is the link to our radio station. www.lonesomeroadradio.com Where is my February CD & Newsletter??? I have had numerous calls, texts and letters concerning the February Newsletter.
I have been trying to track down our February mailing and haven’t had any luck locating them. The US Postal Service has not been much help in locating them. They must be stacked in a corner of a warehouse somewhere in St. Louis. It is very frustrating for me as well as all those who have called. We mailed out almost 1,000 newsletters and CD’S/Cards so this has been a huge setback for us. Right at $1,000 dollars of CD’S/Cards and newsletters that have not been delivered. But the good news is if you will contact me I will send you a replacement CD & Newsletter for the asking. I’m truly sorry for the inconvenience and delay of getting your newsletters. Also on another note I just received a box from the post office and apology for the damaged box I shipped to someone who didn’t get their CDS that they ordered. They didn’t send the address of the failed box to me so I have no idea who did not get the CD’S they requested? If you ordered a bunch of CD’S and never received them then contact me and let me get another box of CD’S headed your way. Sometimes the devil tries and deter us from our calling, but he is a liar and I refuse to get discouraged. There is NO PLACE TO QUIT! So just let me know if you didn’t get the order you placed and we will get them shipped to you ASAP!!!! Chaplain Gary Rayburn you have been and continue to be an encouragement to me and many many others, some you may never know this side of Heaven!!! I'm always reminded of what all the LORD has done in you and through you, when I think of that billboard of JESUS pointing to you with the caption, "This one's for you"!!! "Just look what the LORD HAS DONE" Robbin
Robbin, Amen look what the Lord hath done and continues to do. WOW! God has raised us up to a new level. Our own streaming channel Lonesome Road TV on Roku. Apple TV, Firestick TV. Want to know how to get on our channel calls us and we will text you a instructional video to get you on the channel. Hello Gary, it has been a while since I have emailed you. I have retired from trucking of 41 years and a few things I miss most of trucking are the sun risings and sun settings that the Lord allowed me to see. I also miss my trucker friends and being able to listen to the great cd's for hours at a time, causing hallelujah moments in the cab going down the black top. I so enjoyed sharing the cd's with all of the connections of people that the trucking life would allow. But I’m still passing them out, not quite as many as trucking allowed. Most of all I would like to thank God for his protection that he gave mile after mile. I would like to thank you for what you and your ministry team have done and are still doing. I will continue to support the ministry and share the gospel through the cd ministry, so with that said you mentioned in the newsletter to let you know about the cd's. I am still old fashioned and listen to cd's, you can send me the podcast card or two and I will try them to see if they will work for me to help with the expense of mailing cd's. Thanks again Gary, your retired trucker friend from east TN. Charlie Brown Proverbs 3:5,6
Love you brother, keep passing them out to family, friends, & neighbors we will be glad to send them to you all you have to do is ask!! Hey Gary and all the lonesome road family and friends, I been with L.R.M. for more than a few years an haven't been able join in the fun" So I’m asking my lonesome road members and friends to pray that I will be with y'all in 2024. I will, and plan to join with you to praise God in a very special way!! Hoping to see and meet all who will be in attendance... thank God for Jesus " sincerely M J'
M.J. God bless you my brother we are praying that we see you June 2024. I am asking all who read this to pray for M.J. and pray that we fill the house at this year’s conference. Pray all those who show up will be blessed and highly favored and filled up to overflowing when they leave here. |
From the ole mail bagHere are just a few letters we have gotten from so many good folks. Archives
December 2024
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