Hi Gary Jackie and I appreciate all you do for the Lord! You are gifted and talented and you use what He has given you to bring glory and honor to Him. Jackie very briefly stated what you are going through in the ministry. It distressed me greatly, but he assured me you were okay with it, that you knew our Lord would work it out, and that the Ministry would be the Lonesome Road Ministry again. Things may take us by surprise, but we certainly know that God knows what He is doing. He surely has a plan and reason. Just keep on keeping on. When He reveals it to you, Please be sure to let us know. I love hearing first - hand accounts of how He is working things out for His glory, Love and prayers Mary Bowling Dear Mary
I am so thankful that God sent you and Jackie into my life and into the Lonesome Road Ministry way back when we began in 2001. you guys have been a big supporter of the ministry with your prayers donations and Jackie's messages we have won many, many, to the Lord, and we ain't done yet! God is going to keep on using us in ways we never dreamed or thought possible as long as we keep saying, "Here am I Lord use me." God bless you, your family, your Church for their help and support and God is going to continue blessing us as we continue this ministry as Lonesome Road Ministry!
My Dear Brother In the past when I have sent an offering I have received a large envelope of CD's, a whole lot, however that is just too many at a time. One at a time is good for me. God bless your ministry, Dewayne Dewayne
God bless you and thanks for letting us know we are sending too many to your address. We sure don't want to overload you and we can send those CDs on to someone else who would be glad to get them. We appreciate your prayers and support so much! Dewayne God bless you and thanks for letting us know we are sending too many to your address. We sure don't want to overload you and we can send those CDs on to someone else who would be glad to get them. We appreciate your prayers and support so much! Dear Gary What you are doing with this CD Ministry is just amazing. I been listening to these CD's from gas stations for about a year. I've given my life to the Lord so many times over the years, but I always slid back into my drug addiction, This time around I've fully surrendered it all to God. I'm back in Church and I'm learning so much about how amazing God and His love is. I'm so excited and so ready for my journey with God daily. I am a few days away from my 40th birthday and I have never worked or done anything good in my life except give birth to my 4 children. God has delivered me from my drug addiction and my suicidal tendencies. One day soon the misery I put myself through for my addiction & the things I allowed Satan to do in my mind, my testimony will save so many souls. I will lead others to Christ. Amen Thank you so much for having a big part in leading me back to Jesus. I can not thank you enough. I would like to ask for your prayers for my husband's salvation. It's coming I'm just trying to rush it! Also my cousin Earl's salvation, say a prayer for him he is breaking my heart. Thank you WOW this ministry Helps so many to turn their lives around, Amazing! Anna
God bless you Anna We will be praying for you and your family. Hope you can make it to our conference September 28,29,30 at Trinity Assembly of God Church in Carmi. Dear Gary.
I truly feel in my spirit that God is raising this ministry to new heights. Thousands have came to know Christ under the umbrella of Rig Ministries and great will be the reward for Bob and Stephanie Wilson , they will receive a reward for every Soul that came to Christ under that Logo , the cord has not been broken it has been added too with Lonesome Road Ministries, that logo itself tell's the drivers that we know how they feel out there on today's highways, we know those lonely wee hours of the morning on Christmas eve as they long to be with their families but instead they are driving past houses nestled in the mountains with lights aglow and fires burning in the fireplace. But now they will have something else to brighten their way, the great sounds of music ,and the word of God through testimonies letting them know that we are out there with them and we can make a difference in their lives. You will not lose the Support of J & A Ministries , as God provides it will only increase and we , Ann and I , make this plea to all those who supported Rig. It's just a simple change as you hold the pen you write Lonesome Road Ministries. Love you all Jim and Ann Davenport We are thankful for the time that GOD impressed upon my heart to pick up a few CD'S at a fuel stop in Vandalia, IL. It literally changed our walk with the Savior Jesus Christ. It's been 6 1/2 to 7 years ago, and the testimonies that we heard helped us to be more boldly about giving ours. The people that God has placed in our lives through this CD Ministry has been such a blessing. We have been in prayer for this ministry, and we feel like the enemy is trying hard to hinder & stop what GOD has started through this ministry. We ALL know what GOD has ordained the devil can't stop. It's up to us (the body of Christ) to do our part, so I'm challenging us all to help this ministry as they transition into Lonesome Road Ministries and we ALL together further the cause of Christ. Jesus paid an awful price for us that He didn't owe. Ecclesiastes 11:1 (Read it) tells us to trust GOD in our giving. Please put this out Gary, because GOD has a plan to reach more lost souls for Christ! Love Ya, Brother Gene Davis P.S. see ya in June
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From the ole mail bagHere are just a few letters we have gotten from so many good folks. Archives
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