Thank you so very much for this Awesome CD ministry that you have. I started listening to them around 5 years ago. My last boss that I had would leave a Rig CD on the dash of his trucks. I was raised in a Christian home. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart. When I seen this CD on the dash of my Semi, I decided to listen to it. Over 5 years later I'm still playing these CD'S while going down the road. My truck is my prayer closet. I love listening to these CD'S and worshipping God as I drive down the road. There are times that I should pull over but my God has the wheel and I have my hands in the air and tears flowing down my face. I can't wait to see Tony Mac when I get to heaven. I can't get enough of his CD'S along with his wife's CD. I have been passing these out to friends, family and every driver I can give one too! The Lord says to pay your tithes to where you get blessed at. Your ministry is where I get blessed. I held up my tithes to God and asked Him to bless this money and to multiply it to bless your ministry. Please pray for my marriage. Please pray for both of my kids that are in prison. One of them is on fire for God but the oldest has a lot of anger built up. God Bless you and your family and your Ministry. Your brother in Christ,
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Hi Gary
May the Lord continue to bless you and your's in all you do. Here is my check for this month. I have especially loved the CD'S you sent from both Candy Mac and Stephanie Wilson. I would like it if you could send more copies of those and Free In Christ. Also my copy of "In Dire Straits" by Tony Mac was cracked so it only played part of it. If you could I would like another copy of this CD. Thank you very much, Your brother in Christ. My Dear Friend
Writing just a few lines to say Hi and to wish you many blessing's this time of year. Hope you and your family, friends and neighbors a Merry Christmas. Gary it has been a wonderful year. I listened to the CD'S pretty much all day long when I am on the road (about 5 days a week) and after I listen to them I put them in a box labeled (give away) and I pray when I hand them out or set somewhere. I got the CD where it's Testimonies from the 3 Fold Cord Conference where my sisters and I were there at the conference. It was such a blessing to hear my sister's saying on a CD that I am a changed man. I'm a changed man cause I truly got saved and the Lord Jesus Christ gave me a second chance, and I never want to let them down. I love Jesus Christ and I want to pass the love on to OTHERS! I love Rig Ministries and I have enclosed a love offering to help keep this ministry going. Hello Gary
Thanks forv all you do and make sure you thank Bob too! The CD'S you give away have had a wonderful impact. This week alone I've had two people ask about getting some of your CD'S. I gave them all I had here. When people come back to me telling me about the CD'S and how much they were blessed, it brings great joy to me. Again, I thank you brother! You guys have allowed God to bless many people through your work. Again I say Thanks! Also, here's a donation for the CD's you've made for me. God's Servant Sam, My Dear Friend
God loves a cheerful giver and it always gives me great pleasure when it comes time to write out your check. It is with much love and prayer. I watched and hear how much joy all of the CD'S bring to so many people. The two couples that I meet with on Friday Nights for Bible study have been enjoying the McKay Project so much. My friend Christine loves Dennis and Leslie's style and was very moved by the testimony of Dennis McKay. I loaded them down the other night with more CD'S. I could use more of Tony & Candy and the McKay's as well as David Gibbs CD'S. Oh! also 16 Roses and Rose of Columbine CD'S. Also Joe Arview and Bill Schell and anything else you want to send me. I am still trying to get the radio station up here in NY to play the McKay Project on the air. I was excited to hear about your trip to Ohio with Jim and Ann Davenport I would have loved to been there but I had that trip to Boston planned. Keep posting those pictures of those grand children they are so precious. I hope the baby isn't wearing Linda out to much, give my love to her. Love Cathy in New York. Dear Brother Gary:
Thank you ever so much for all the information you sent & the CD'S. I read A Man Called Norman & am now listening to it. I will pass these on to others. What an unusual, but great ministry the Lord is using you and others in. I am listening to so many that it makes me excited about my faith. May the Lord continue to bless you as you serve Him... Your Sister, Dawn P.S. Oh! I still am not a country music person, Ha Ha! Gary
The CD'S were awesome; I passed them out and can't get them back. That's a good thing, right? I would like to get another set of the ones you gave me. Tony Mac, Bus 19 & the one about the lady paralyzed by polio. Please accept this check as a donation to your wonderful ministry. More donations & requests are sure to come. Love in Christ, Eva |
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