I remember as a young Christian sitting in a Church service and my pastor preaching a message on Matthew 13 about the sower who went forth sowing seeds. When he sowed, some seed fell by the way side, and the birds came and devoured them up: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: the plants sprang up quickly, but they soon wilted beneath the hot sun and died because the roots had no nourishment in the shallow ground. Other seeds fell among the thorns that shot up and choked out the tender blades. But some seed fell on fertile ground and produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much that was planted. I remember that preacher saying that day, "you are that ground, you get to choose, which ground are you going to be?* I thought to myself, well that's a no brainier, I want to be the fertile ground. So I prayed that day, Lord if I get to choose, then make me the fertile ground. Lord use me to make a difference everywhere I go. I want to produce fruit for your kingdom. So I have been living my life for the last 22 plus years trying to make a difference in the life of others. I get the chance everyday to pray for someone who is out there on the road. I hear from people everyday who pick up our CD'S out on the road and it has impacted and changed their lives. Many are being saved and many are being blessed by our CD ministry and are joining with us to make a difference in the life of someone they know. I encourage you to read Matthew Chapter 13 today and then you get to choose which ground are you going to be from this day forward. It really is that simple! As my Pastor Russ Beadles use to say! *What are you going to do with this man called Jesus that lives in your heart!* The choice is up to you today! Choose to be that fertile ground and join with us here at Lonesome Road Ministries. Many of you have already joined with us and are passing the CD'S on to others in your area. These CD'S are for you to be a blessing to OTHERS! 3 Fold Cord Conference June 22,23,& 24 we will be having our 6th 3 Fold Cord Conference. We will start Friday the 22 at Noon with some awesome music and testimonies from some of our great Lonesome Road Family. We have a great lineup for this year with Jim and Ann Davenport, The McKay Project, Dan Duncan, Bill Schell, Joe Arview, Richard Coss, Darrell Spicer, James Payne, and this year we will be having some new folks join the the Rig Family. Barbara Fairchild and her husband Roy Morris will be at Rig Ministries on Saturday. Roger Barkley Jr. will also be joining us on Saturday. Kevin Rowe will be joining us Friday and Saturday this year. We will be working on a Schedule so hopefully everyone will know what day and approximately what time each person will be sharing testimony and song with us. So keep a close eye on our upcoming newsletters for more information about our 6th 3 Fold Cord Conference. Rig on the road in March, April,May & June you can keep track of Lonesome Road Ministries through our website www.lonesomeroad.org or our Face book page Receiving in God Ministries. We also have a Rig Podcast so you can listen online or from your phones. We will be at the Mid America Truck show in the west wing booth # 68084 March 22,23,24 along with Truckers Friends network, Channel 21 Ministries and the McKay Project and then on the 25th Sunday morning at 10:30 the McKay Project will be in our home town at the 1st Baptist Church Wayne City, IL. and then that night we will be joining the McKay Project in Flora, IL. at the McCabe Baptist Church on old hwy 50 at 6 PM. April 12,13,& 14 @ 6 PM each night we will be preaching revival at the Harvest United Methodist Church of Edgewood, IL. on hwy 37. Bill Schell will be there with us and Bill will be providing the music services for the 3 days. Come join us in Edgewood,IL. for 3 days of revival. Then on May 3,4,& 5 we will be in Cookeville Tn. along with Channel 21 Ministries for the Christian Country Expo. We will have a booth at the Expo right next to the McKay Projects booth. Here is their website www.christiancountryexpo.com Then Saturday June 2 we will be traveling to Bellevue, MI. with the McKay Project for a 3 PM outdoor service in the city park. Hope to see you, on the road!
Gary RayburnI logged over 4 million miles as a truck driver from 1972 - 2007 and I have written a lot of it in my songs. God has taken me off the road and put me into full time ministry, but I still have a heart for all you drivers out there. Archives
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