Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Don’t you just love this, Scripture? Paul writing to us, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable…if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. At first glance I’m thinking only Jesus could be all these things, but Paul is encouraging us to be all these things. That is what Christian means to be Christ like. That is exactly what I like about working with all the partners we have here at Lonesome Road Ministries. Men and women who are striving to be Christ like. Roger Barkley Jr. and his wife Dianna and Chuck & Rhonda Helms are perfect examples of this verse. All four have come onboard as Road Chaplains for our Channel 21 Ministries program. They are a joy to work with in ministry and they travel all over spreading the Good News! Since coming on board they have helped us take this ministry to the next level. The Collector Card you see above is Roger’s testimony that we recorded here at the radio station a few months ago. These cards, along with the radio station that Roger has helped get started, are taking the ministry to the next level. When I told Roger what I wanted to do with the cards he loved the idea and jumped right on it and had them designed faster than I could send the pictures and bio info for the backs. We now have 13 cards and plan on trying to produce 6-8 more each month. So if you would like to have some of the cards to collect or to pass on to family, friends, and neighbors, just let us know and we will make sure you get as many as you would like. If we have your testimony or preaching on one of our CD’s we need you to send us a good picture & bio to make a card for you. Please do not worry about your CD’s though, we plan to continue to produce CD’s as long as there is a demand for them. Please listen to this CD and you will hear Roger and the Redemption Band, and listen to the message I have on this CD. It is a challenge for all of us to Think God! Just like the movie that George Burns played God in back several years ago. I loved those movies and every time they come on I have to sit and watch them. So that’s my challenge for to you today! THINK GOD! What if we started our day with God. What if we started our day in prayer talking to God. What if we included God in our daily routine and include God in every decision that we have to make throughout the day. We just might be surprised just how good our day will go. God loves us and cares about us! He is right around the corner waiting to hear from you, to help you get out of whatever difficulty you find yourself in today. Spend some time with Jesus today and THINK GOD. Ask God, Lord what would you have me do today? You just might be surprised at what God has planned for you today! God has a wide open door to His presence if we will only walk through it! What started out as only a dream has come to pass as Lonesome Road Ministries has it’s very own radio station. We are now able to broadcast our radio programs 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year. March of 2022 God planted this dream in me and I shared this dream with Roger Barkley,Jr just a couple weeks later and he said ,”No problem, we can make that happen!” I said “really!” He said “Yes” I have got several radio stations up and running I can do the same for you by the Conference time in June. This year we launched Lonesome Road Radio at our conference. And yes, we do have apps for you to download. Just go to your app store on your phone and look for Lonesome Road Ministries Radio. We are just getting started so we have yet to broadcast any live programs, but I know it is in our future. We plan on having a variety of our Lonesome Road partners to have a program on the station. Roger is working on a program and so is Joe Arview. We also plan on airing our home church, Orchardville Church services on our station. You just never know what’s going to happen when you, Think God! For generations, people have dressed in their Sunday-best clothes to go to church. On arriving home, they place their Sunday-best neatly back into the closet – not to be worn again until the next service.
Often as Christians, we can be guilty of putting on church-personalities as we would our Sunday-best clothes. When in a Christian environment, we are bubbly, friendly and seemingly without a care in the world. We use the right spiritual words and catch-phrases and all our actions are carefully pious. But as soon as we arrive home, we take off our ‘Sunday-best-personality’ and put on our normal hang-ups such as discouragement, guilt, resentment and depression. We should consider why we do this and who we are fooling. Though we should always put on our best-manners when in public, God has commanded our life be without hypocrisy. God sees and knows us as we really are – we can’t fool Him with our church-going personality. Remember, just because our fellow Christians think highly of us, doesn’t mean God does. We should free ourselves from wearing those itchy fake personalities. We gain nothing of value by fooling our peers and it’s usually the very thing that stops us from having an honest relationship with both them and God. Let Love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Romans 12:9.
Isaiah 54:2 “Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. James Payne preached a powerful message to encourage all of us to enlarge our area of influence. To stake our claim or reach out a little farther than we have been. While listening to this message my mind went all the way back to the day I got saved. Thinking back to the exact location where I was saved and remembering how I drove a stake and claimed that territory as a sacred place in my life. All the turning points in our lives are where we drive stakes to remember, and keep them as sacred moments in our lives. I still remember the times that God has spoken to me to go to the next level or enlarge my tent. Just like the Scripture reads in Isaiah 54:2, God wants to enlarge our territory to stretch us, we are not to hold back, we are to lengthen our reach and we are to strengthen our stakes so that we can do more for the Lord. I think back to when my Sunday school class bought me a book for my birthday. The Prayer of Jabez, how it changed my life! I started reading that book and praying that prayer in the book and asking God to enlarge my territory to use me to make a difference all across this Country. A simple little prayer that can transform any life into something more than they could ever dream, hope, or imagine. 1 Chronicles 4:10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested. A giant prayer that will change your walk, change your life, change your ministry or your Church. When ordinary Christians decide to reach for an extraordinary life, God will give us a bigger vision for our lives. We have to Stake a Claim on our lives, our families and our friends. God is wanting to use each one of us to stretch a net across America for this end time harvest. We have several of our Chaplains staking claims on some of the truck stops that they frequent. Chaplain Bruce Phelps is staking his claim on truck stops by building racks like this one to stake a claim for Jesus in his favorite truck stops. Chaplain Bruce Phelps not only maintains our website here at Lonesome Road Ministries, but also maintains numerous Christian based websites all over the Country. He has took a stand and staked his claim for Jesus. Many others around the country like John Noel who has staked his claim on numerous truck stops in the Midwest area supplying them with CD’S, Bibles, Tracts, and other Christian material to make a difference by staking a claim on their territory. Chaplain Tom Price is buying toy trucks like the one in this picture and turning them into tools to spread the Gospel. Tom is enlarging his area. He is wanting a whole fleet of trucks armed with the Gospel to make a difference in his area. Jim & Ann Davenport have staked a claim at The Passion Play in Eureka Springs, AR. They have become the Pastors of the Church of the Grove that is located on the Passion Play grounds, and they are ministering to folks from all over the world as God brings them.
Channel 21 Ministry program is growing by leaps and bounds and we are adding new Chaplains all the time. Roger Barkley Jr & his wife Dianna, Chuck & Rhonda Helms, Pastor Jeff & Jessica Lewis of New Beginnings Church in Columbia City, IN are some of our newest Chaplains to join the team. Men and women who want to stake a claim on their family, friends, & neighbors and want to enlarge their territory. Another one of our new Chaplains who is staking a claim on a truck driving school is Chaplain Darrell Patton of Hazel Green AL. Darrell goes to the school and talks to the drivers in the classes and hands out Bibles, CD’s and books to the new drivers. Staking a claim on the future of the trucking industry. When we take that step of faith, and failure is guaranteed, unless God steps in and takes control of what we are attempting. That is when we become all that God has purposed us for. When we take that Jabez prayer and make it our prayer by placing our name in there, that is when God starts to bless us and enlarge our territory to something we could have never even imagined. Through a simple little believing prayer, you can change your future and the future of others that you come in contact with. You can change what happens one minute from now just by calling out to God, and staking your claim on your future and the future of your family and stretching his territory for Jesus. Many others are making a difference. |
Gary RayburnI logged over 4 million miles as a truck driver from 1972 - 2007 and I have written a lot of it in my songs. God has taken me off the road and put me into full time ministry, but I still have a heart for all you drivers out there. Archives
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