By Alice McCormick![]()
We just got a call from someone who was handed a CD, “Life’s Lonely Highway” testimony of Kevin Nelson. Kevin & Rachelle Nelson of Sonshine Road was singing in Florida and they were passing out a lot of our free CD’S. Robert said he just had to call and tell us how blessed he was by the testimony of Kevin Nelson that he had listen to after leaving the concert. He told me even though he was saved and serving the Lord he just had to call and talk to Kevin. He shared with me his amazing testimony of how God was using him, then I gave him Kevin’s number so he could talk with him. I am just so blessed to get to talk to so many who call and share their amazing stories of how God has saved them and is using them to reach others. What a privilege it is for us to work with so many great people.
The Bible tells us we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We have the power to defeat our enemy the devil through Jesus with our testimony. I have always said the most powerful sermon we have is our own testimony. We love sermons and we use many sermons in this ministry, but the most powerful format we have are the testimonies of our partners here at Lonesome Road. God spoke to me over 22 years ago to put my testimony on a cassette tape and put some of the songs that God was giving me on a tape and take it on the road and share it with other drivers on the road. That was the beginning of Lonesome Road Ministries and since then we have put out many different testimonies of folks who love Jesus and just want to share their stories with whosoever, wherever, and whenever they can. We have also put out a lot of powerful sermons to reach the lost, hurting, and confused souls out on that ole Lonesome Road. God has brought us all the way from a tape cassette ministry to where we are now. We have freely given away over 2 and one half million free messages on Cassette and CD’S. This ministry has been successful because of our partners who help support and pass out our messages. God continues to change us, but no matter what method we use, cassette tape, CD, Podcast or Radio, the message stays the same. We have found that there are many roads to Lonesome. Each person has a unique story to tell about how God has intervened in their life. We look forward to hearing your story of how God has saved you and is using you to reach others.
We are looking forward to many more years of ministry and helping spread the Good News! As many of you know the CD players are not being put in the new cars, and trucks so we are having to find new ways to get the message in the hands of those on the road. We are excited about the future of our ministry and the new home God gave us here in Keenes, IL. I believe God gave us this new home so that we can not only reach folks in the surrounding area but continue to reach lost and hurting people across America. So, we want to thank all our friends, family and partners who are helping support and share the CD’S and radio programs with so many families, friends and neighbors. I believe God is going to be raising us up to a new level very soon and I am hoping to be able to reveal the direction God is sending us at our conference in June. Come join us June 24,25,26 for our 9th 3-Fold Cord conference. So, remember Jesus Loves you and wants to use you to reach someone today. Share your testimony, we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
We just got back from Louisville Kentucky, from one of the largest truck shows in America. We had such a great time sharing with so many others. We gave out 2600 Cd's as well as other ministry materials to the public in attendance. Below is a few pictures from that event.
Below is a live podcast Chaplain Gary Rayburn gave March 11th 2022 at the NRB Conference in Nashville Tennessee! we would like to give a big Lonesome Road HOWDY and THANK YOU to the folks at Christian Crusaders.
One last word about them. Besides Chaplain Gary's testimony, they have some really good podcast to listen to.
We will all eventually die. If the Bible is correct, there is an afterlife with heaven, hell and judgement. What is your plan to reach heaven?
Many think: Well, I’m a relatively good person and so when I die I’ll just hope for the best. Others may add: I’ve been baptised, gone to communion, plus I give regularly to the church and charities – I think I’ve ticked all the boxes. It’s ironic that many people, including Christians, think going to heaven depends on what we do. When asked about the relevance of Jesus Christ and the Cross, most scratch their heads; they don’t see a connection between their going to heaven and what Christ did on the Cross. Many people consider the Cross simply a symbol of Christianity – a story told at Easter how a good man was wrongly crucified and miraculously rose from the dead. Fact is, if we could earn our way to heaven by good deeds or religious rituals, Christ died needlessly on the Cross. If we could save ourselves by our works, there would be no point for Jesus to die for our salvation (John 3:16). The Bible states: we will never be good enough to save ourselves (Eph. 2:8-9) – our works are filthy rags in God’s sight (Isaiah 64:6) – we need to be born-again (John 3:3) – and become a new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). To enter the kingdom of heaven we need God’s perfect righteousness. This is the whole point of Jesus being judged for our sins and dying on our behalf. Christ is the only door into heaven. If we accept the gift of salvation by believing in Christ, we receive His perfect righteousness and are instantly adopted into the family of God. Alternately, if we are hoping our good deeds or religious rituals will save us; sadly, we are in for a very rude awakening. We need the Cross. Christ is our salvation – believing in Him is the only way into heaven. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9.
Gary RayburnI logged over 4 million miles as a truck driver from 1972 - 2007 and I have written a lot of it in my songs. God has taken me off the road and put me into full time ministry, but I still have a heart for all you drivers out there. Archives
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