Back in the day of the Azusa Street revival, they didn’t seek after what God could do for them, they sought after God himself. They longed to feel the fire in their soul. We hear it preached from every pulpit in America, how we want to see revival, we want to see God move. Each and every one of us has said it, we want to see God move. Jesus Christ, when he walked this earth as a man, had been given the Holy Spirit without measure. That’s why he could say in John 9:5, ‘As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’ Then on the day of Pentecost, after the Lord ascended to heaven, He fulfilled Joel’s prophecy of pouring out the Holy Spirit upon all flesh. The body of Christ was no longer the body of just one man, but is composed of all Christians. That is why the Lord can say to us Christians ‘Ye are the light of the World.’ That is why Jesus said in Matthew 5:13, ‘Ye are the salt of the earth.’ In other words, it is as John wrote in his 1st epistle, Chapter 4 and verse 17, ‘As Christ is, so are we in this world.’ Jesus said in John 17:18 ‘As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.’ In John 14:12 ‘Jesus said he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works.’ We want to see the power of God fall from heaven. It fell and it fell on us! Only Christians can move out in the power of God and change someone’s life and be the light in someone’s dark world. We want to see God move? Let’s get moving! Let’s be that Church on the move, Let’s be a “Church on the Road’ everywhere we go let Jesus shine through you. If we truly do want to see a move of God, then we as Christians need to get moving! We are the light of the world! We are the salt of the earth! We are the body of Christ and it is up to us! The best way to start a revival is to start one in our homes, then let it spill out into our neighborhoods and from there across our city, state and country and into the uttermost parts of the world. Lonesome Road Ministries is proud to work closely with many ministries and Churches all across the Country planting Gospel seeds into the lives of family, friends, and neighbors. Linda and I want to thank all who has sown into this Ministry and we thank all who was in attendance at our 3 Fold Cord Conference this year. We hope to have CD’s of the Conference very soon. You can watch it on our Face Book Page
We encourage you to use our CD’S, Bibles, Testimony Books, and now our new Gift Card as a seed to plant it into someone's life. A family member, a friend, a neighbor. OTHERS! Yes OTHERS, let this our motto be, help us to live for OTHERS, so that we might live for THEE !!! Our job is to sow the seed of God's word into as many lives as we can and He will make it grow! Remember God loves you and we do too! This is Chaplain Gary Rayburn and we will talk at you later.
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Gary RayburnI logged over 4 million miles as a truck driver from 1972 - 2007 and I have written a lot of it in my songs. God has taken me off the road and put me into full time ministry, but I still have a heart for all you drivers out there. Archives
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