![]() Moving On "'The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger."' ~ JOB 17:9 (NLT) Sometimes God closes doors because it's time to MOVE ON. He knows you won't move unless your circumstances force you. God has a purpose and a plan for our life but we have to keep moving on to the next level. Back in the 70's there was a truck driving show called *Moving On*. This was Hollywood's version of the truck driving life. It should have been called *Staying On* because those guys never went anywhere. But you know as Christians we don't want to get complacent in our ministry. Yes each one of has a ministry, a ministry of telling others about what Jesus did in our lives. Jesus never settled anywhere, He was always moving on to the next city. Just like Lonesome Road Ministries, 2018 has offered us a lot of different opportunities and has caused us to move on to a new level of ministry. We've had a name change and a change of address but we are still doing what we have always done. Our goal is to minister to the trucking industry and let them know Christ is wanting to bless them beyond believe. We realize that some of you have moved on as well in ministry. Some of you aren't in need of CD's anymore. Some of the large vehicle manufactures has stop putting CD players in their vehicles. So, if you aren't listening to or using LRM CD's to minister to others we would appreciate you letting us know. As we all know resources for ministry are hard to come by. We want to be good stewards of what God has given us to use for this ministry. If you would like to be removed from our mailing list drop us a line in the yellow envelope we have supplied you with or you can call or text me at 618-383-2107 or email me at [email protected]. If sometime in the future you would like more CD's or put back on our mailing list just let me know and I will be happy to sign you back up. Even if you remove yourself from the mailing list you can still call me and I will send you CD's. But no matter your decision Keep Moving on for Jesus!!!! Lonesome Road Ministries LRM is available to come to your Church or your Christian event. We have already this year done a conference in Florida, took part in a revival at McCabe Baptist Church in Flora, IL. and got to minister with Bill Schell in a revival at Harvest United Methodist Church in Edgewood, IL. May 3,4,& 5 we will have a booth with Channel 21 Ministries at the Christian Country Expo in Cookeville, TN. at the Clarion Hotel Conference Center 970 S. Jefferson st. On June 2 the Bellevue Baptist Church CD Ministry has asked us and the McKay Project to join them in the Washington Park in Bellevue, MI. at 3 PM Music, Message, and Food will be provided and in case of rain we will move across the street to the North end of the youth center. Sunday Morning June 3 @ 10 Am we will b e with the McKay Project at New Beginnings Church at Big Lake 6331 N. State Rd 109 Columbia City, IN and I will be staying over to give a message at 6 PM. We want to thank the McKay Project for their hard work on our Lonesome Road Vol # 1 and now Vol # 2 projects for the truckers out there on that Ole Lonesome Road. The song Taking Me Home off the Vol # 1 cd was released to Christian Country Radio stations all over the Country and we just received word that it is # 1 on the SGN Scoops chart. Without Dennis and Leslie McKay's hard work on this song Sam Storey and I had a song that was heard only through our cd ministry. Dennis took our song and changed the music and worked on our lyrics and put his expertise on our song and it became a song by (Dennis McKay, Sam Storey and Gary Rayburn) This is the very first # 1 song for the McKay Project and we are honored and very proud of the small part we played in this #1 song. I am very honored and pleased to call Dennis and Leslie very good friends of mine and we are excited about how God is going to use us in Michigan and Indiana in June and beyond. June 24 The McKay's will be at my home Church Trinity Assembly of God in Carmi, IL. and then that night the McKay's will be at the United Methodist Church in Edgewood, IL. Check out the McKay project on Facebook and check their Calendar. We plan to keep moving on for Jesus and Lonesome Road Vol # 3 is in the works for 2019! a brand new thing!Listen to Lonesome Road Ministries on 3 different radio stations.
www.campmeetingradio.com Monday Mornings at 10 AM also www.wvyn.orgTuesday Nights at 10 PM www.inthecabradio.com Sunday Mornings at 8 AM or listen to our podcast anytime 24/7 at our podcast site www.rigpodcast.podomatic.com We look forward to your feedback! [email protected]
![]() Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. God is doing a new thing in our life and in the CD Ministry. The CD ministry you have come to know over the last 11 years as Receiving in God or Rig Ministries will be changing our name and location. Because of circumstances beyond our control we are forced to move the ministry to a new location and to change the name of the ministry. Where one door closes God has opened a brand new door for the ministry. We will be changing the name to Lonesome Road Ministries, which is what we were, when we first began back in 2001. A tape ministry in my home. God is making a way and supplying all our needs. He is making rivers in the deserts to sustain us in this transition. God has opened a door for us. Trinity Assembly of God has stepped out in faith to partner with us to reach lost and hurting souls right here in Carmi and all across North America with the trucking ministry. Trinity is providing us with our own facility 197 Haley Drive here in Carmi to operate the CD Ministry. Linda and I will be moving our Church membership and becoming a part of our new Church family. We need your prayers, I now have no insurance for my wife Linda and we have lost the Company truck that we were furnished with to do ministry with for the last 11 years. Please pray that God will provide us with a new truck to drive and health insurance for Linda. So we can take this ministry up to new levels. God has called me to do a media ministry to the lost and hurting souls all over this Country and around the world. It started out as a tape ministry then a CD ministry and it has evolved into several radio programs and even a TV program. We are not backing up but moving forward into new territory, A new level in our life and the life of this ministry, that God birthed in me in October 2000. It began as Lonesome Road Ministry and it is returning to the original name Lonesome Road Ministries. We have many Ministries and many folks who depend on this ministry to help them and their families and we will not quit. There is no place to quit when you sign up to be a soldier for Christ! I am very thankful to all who have supported Rig Ministries over the last 11 years. We now need your help and support more than ever as we step over into new territory as Lonesome Road Ministries. We are in the process of getting a 501C through the help of Darrell Spicer and Channel 21 Ministries. We plan to continue to partner with as many Ministries and Churches. To reach as many lost and hurting souls who need Jesus. Some of the changes we will all have to get use to; Our web site will change to www.lonesomeroad.org email gary.lonesomeroad@gmail.com phone number 618.382.7555 cell phone stays the same 618.383.2107 mailing address; Lonesome Road Ministries P.O Box 451, Wayne City, IL. 62895. The 3 Fold Cord Conference will be moving to September 28,29, 30. We have a new location this year, Trinity Assembly of God will be our new host. The Church is located @ 1600 Saunders ave, Carmi,IL. Just off Hwy 14 on the West side of Carmi. I apologize to those who have set their vacations around our conference. This transition will take several month's. As we get things in place here at Lonesome Road Ministries we will continue as Rig Ministries, so the checks you send in to Rig Ministries will still go to the CD Ministry. We will continue mailing out the CD's in the Rig Ministries envelopes until we get our bulk mailing permit in place for Lonesome Road Ministries. We thank you all for your continued prayers and support as we transition into this new phase of our ministry. God bless you all and remember Jesus Loves you and we here at Lonesome Road Ministries we love you too! This is Chaplain Gary Rayburn and we will talk at you later! Click the button above to listen to This month's message Footprints by James Payne |
Gary RayburnI logged over 4 million miles as a truck driver from 1972 - 2007 and I have written a lot of it in my songs. God has taken me off the road and put me into full time ministry, but I still have a heart for all you drivers out there. Archives
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