Haggai 2:9 "The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the LORD Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace'..."
Our good friend Tony Mac McMullen went to be with the Lord on Memorial day 2016. His testimony still remains one of our most requested CD's we have here at Lonesome Road Ministries and his testimony is still winning many souls to Jesus every week out there on that Ole Lonesome Road. One of Tony's sayings was it's Gonna get Gooder rang in my head as I read this Scripture today. I could hear Tony saying you ain't seen nothing yet son, It's gonna get Gooder! God is getting ready to increase His favor in our lives, Ministries and Churches. He wants to amaze us with His goodness. God's favor that He has poured out on us in the past was awesome, but what God is getting ready to do with our lives, Ministries and Churches will be even more awesomer! God's Glory we have seen in the past, we haven't seen nothing yet. God is getting ready to bring His people up to a new level. We serve a God of increase, so we need to increase our vision in 2020 of what God has for us. If we will do that we will reach more souls for Him than we ever thought or dreamed possible. We need to be expecting God to bring new opportunities across our paths. We need to expect to meet the right people, for God to send people into our lives, Ministries and Churches to help us to go to that next level. Obedience is the key to unlocking the next level. God promises us blessings for our obedience if we will make Him our first priority. God is involved in the lives of His people, and He wants to be their first priority. A place of worship must be provided for the good of God's people, and God promises to fill that place with His Glory. I want everything that God has for me and I don't want to settle for anything less, so God pour out your Spirit and pour out your Glory on my house, my Church and Lonesome Road Ministries in 2020, let this be the greatest year of increase that we have seen thus far. God we pray that you not only bless us but we pray blessings for all those who become a part of this net you are stretching across America! Proverbs 29:18 says: Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. "God is looking for a place to Happen!!!" And He can happen in our life if we get out of His way and let Him be the God of our lives. 2020 is the year of clear vision! The vision is clear we are to continue the work that God has given us to unite ministries and work together to reach Whosoever! Continue to work with all the great ministries that are a part of this 3 Fold Cord and continue to bring in more Ministries, Churches, Christian Companies that want to make a difference in their employees and their employees families. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says; Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Working together we can become stronger and do 10 times as much as working alone. The vision for 2020 is clear, let's continue to work together and watch God do what only God can do. We are going to see miracles Happen in our lives, our Ministries, our Churches, our businesses, and our families. He wants to enlarge each one of us but we must enlarge our vision and efforts. Just like the little boy with a few fish and a few loaves, just a small lunch enough for a young lad. But when he placed it in the hands of the Master it became a miracle and was enough to feed thousands. Want to join our family of mighty warriors? We want to work with you! We have many ministries, Churches and individuals that are a part of Lonesome Road Ministries. Let us hear from you today! Give us a call 618.383.2107 or email us at [email protected] or log on to lonesomeroad.org check out our website.
God Bless, Talk at You Later...
Chaplain Gary Rayburn P.O. Box 451 Wayne City, IL. 62895 (618) 383-2107
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Gary RayburnI logged over 4 million miles as a truck driver from 1972 - 2007 and I have written a lot of it in my songs. God has taken me off the road and put me into full time ministry, but I still have a heart for all you drivers out there. Archives
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