Psalms 50:15 Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.
Many people are suffering right now as our Country is under attack. America and the World is under a Demonic attack called a corona virus. James Payne & his wife Lori tested positive for the corona virus. Lori showed slight symptoms and is doing well James however was deathly ill from this corona virus and said in one of his pickup lines on Facebook recently he was on death's door and it was only through prayer that he is healed and is climbing out of that pit this virus had him in. James said that God spoke to him just a few days ago and told him that this corona is a demonic spirit. James said he looked up the definition of corona, and it said it came from the occult and it meant desiring a crown. This Spirit wants to rule our Churches, our Country and our economy. We must deal with this in Jesus name! We must take authority over this spirit now! So in Jesus Name I claim victory and healing in all my friends Now! Psalms 50;15 says call upon God in our time of trouble and He will deliver us, and then we are to glorify God in our healing. Suffering is a test, it's an opportunity to show God that your not going to get discouraged, your not going to give up on your dreams, that your not going to lose your passion. I have many people ask me over the years if it's OK to pray for yourself? The answer is YES! God wants to hear from each of us! God wants a close personal relationship with each and everyone of us. We need to come to Him every day like a child comes to a father with our needs, wants and desires. God wants to fulfill our lives with everything that He has planned for us. Many times we have not because we ask not! God is a big God and He is not afraid to tell us No when we ask for selfish prayers. But if we pray and ask God to raise us up to new levels to help OTHERS we will be blessed in ways we never thought or dreamed possible. God is a God of restoration! Let him restore you and your ministry today so that you can reach higher than you ever dreamed possible. In the words of our good friend Terry Hopkins; Start where your at, Use what you got, Do what you can! Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
So I pray for each and everyone of you today as you travel this special road of ministry, may the Spirit of God surround you. Always remember that the Lord has promised to be there, whether you are in the valley, or on top of the mountain. His hand will guide and protect you from harm, as long as you stay close to His side.
If you should get ahead of Him, He will humble you. His grace will be sufficient for you to carry out the ministry He has anointed you to walk in. His blessings will follow you wherever you go. And remember Jesus Loves you and we do too! This is Chaplain Gary Rayburn and we will talk at you later!
Wow I would have never thought it would have come to this but here we are postponing our 3 Fold Cord Conference until God only knows when we will be able to get together and feel safe again in crowds. So as of now we are not setting a date for our 8th 3 Fold Cord conference. We are asking everyone to be in prayer for us as we try and keep this ministry going. We want to hear from you and we want to pray for each and everyone of you so don't hesitate to call us and let's pray for each other to strengthen each other. Iron sharpens Iron we need each other to continue fighting the good fight of faith.
God Bless, Talk at You Later...
Chaplain Gary Rayburn P.O. Box 451 Wayne City, IL. 62895 (618) 383-2107 I can prove that God is Real in
Gary RayburnI logged over 4 million miles as a truck driver from 1972 - 2007 and I have written a lot of it in my songs. God has taken me off the road and put me into full time ministry, but I still have a heart for all you drivers out there. Archives
November 2024
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