August 13th 1995 at the age of 43 I gave my heart to the Lord while driving my semi down I-39 one day. For the next two years all I wanted to do was read my bible and pray God use me I want to be your servant. I remember the first tape I picked up on the road it was in Va. at a truck stop in 1999. There was a whole big basket full of tapes and the sign said Gospel Sunrise free tapes listen carefully and then pass them on. I remember listening to them tapes and just loving them and thinking this is just what I need out here on this Ole Lonesome Road. After that I started searching the truck stops for more of those tapes. I remember well the day that God spoke to me in 1999 and told me to start a tape ministry. It was after I had stopped and picked up a tape in a truck stop in Ga. I remember putting that tape in the tape player and this big friendly booming voice came on and Ray Sisk started talking to me like he was sitting in the cab with me. The tape said I-20 for Jesus and God spoke to me through that tape. He told me this is your ministry this is how I'm going to use you. I want you to start a tape ministry! God said put my testimony on a tape and put some of the songs He had been giving me on the tape and start passing them out on the road! He told me the tapes are to reach the lost and the broken hearted and the tapes are to be free. I called the number on that tape and talked to Ray Sisk several times and he would encourage me and after a year of struggling with this call I surrendered in Oct. of 2000. I started the Lonesome Road Tape Ministry for Truckers out on the road. I was at the time an over the road trucker so I made tapes on the weekend (about 25 a week) and took them with me on the road and handed them out to drivers through the week. God has continued to grow this ministry and He continues to send me solid Christians like you to help keep this ministry alive reaching thousands all across America. Today we are closing in on 2 million free CDs given away. I feel that God has opened a brand new door for Lonesome Road Ministries. God has called me to stretch a net across America using the truckers and Faith based trucking companies to bring in the Harvest. God has laid on my heart the next step in this ministry is to start a Truck Stop Crusade bringing the Gospel to the drivers right where they are, in the truck stop and to continue supplying the drivers with our CD's, Podcast and Radio programs. We need help, Churches, Trucking Companies, Drivers to get involved making a difference. Together we can reach our family, friends and our neighbors. I have put together a short introduction to our ministry and what we are all about. This short introduction CD is less than 7 minutes long so I pray you will help me get this introduction CD in the hands of your Pastor and Church board, or your Trucking Company. We need your help! Drivers we want to reach all across America using the trucking Companies that want to help their drivers and their driver's families at home. If you would please contact me and let me send you a package with this introduction CD and some information about the Ministry along with some of our pressing needs. I think we will increase our ministry and outreach. Remember one can put a thousand to flight but two can put ten thousand to flight. It doesn't double when we tie ourselves together it Quantum leaps. Ecclesiastes 4:12 Says * And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.* So many of you have tied yourselves to this ministry with your time, talent, resources, and love offerings and we appreciate each and every one of you and I know I can depend on you to help with this "Brand New Thang" God has laid on our heart. Many others who have never been able to help, now is your chance to get involved in something that will change America. Will you take a stand for America today by helping stretch this net across our great Country? Call us, write to us, or email me and ask for the introduction CD and the packet of information about our ministry to give to your Trucking Company or your Church pastor and Church board. God bless you for your help and support in this ministry. And remember God Loves you and we do too! Talk at you later: Chaplain Gary Rayburn
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Gary RayburnI logged over 4 million miles as a truck driver from 1972 - 2007 and I have written a lot of it in my songs. God has taken me off the road and put me into full time ministry, but I still have a heart for all you drivers out there. Archives
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